On 10 March, people from all across Europe (and beyond) got together for the Fifth ELRC Conference. Organized by DFKI’s Data & Resources Group at …
Increasing demand for multilingual content & growing popularity of machine translation (MT) in Europe - and beyond!
Sie stehen vor einem Werk im Museum. Dazu schießen Ihnen Fragen in den Kopf. Sie tippen sie in Ihr Handy – eine Künstliche Intelligenz gibt direkt …
DFKI/TUK PhD student Shailza Jolly is up for election as AI Newcomer 2021 of the GI and BMBF AI Camp in the computer science category.
Looking back at the end of the German EU Presidency 2020: With the goal to overcome language barriers and make it easier for people to …
The DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen continues its growth: With the new, fourth research department Interactive Machine Learning (IML), Prof. …
Nach dem erfolgreichen Auftakt im Januar dieses Jahres geht die Qurator Conference on Digital Curation Technologies in die nächste Runde. Die …
Since the beginning of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union in July 2020, the German EU Council Presidency Translator has …
The DFKI organizes the META FORUM 2020 online from 1 to 3 December. META-FORUM is the international conference series on innovative language ...
Interview with Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith, Head of the Multilinguality and Language Technology research department at DFKI in Saarbrücken, on ...