Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute das diesjährige Green-AI Hub Forum in Berlin eröffnet, auf dem zehn mittelständische Unternehmen ...
At today's neighbourhood day 100 years after the topping-out ceremony of the "Alte Fleiwa" in Oldenburg - once Europe's largest meat products …
The International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing will be held from September 7-9, 2023 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
What are the challenges of autonomous intelligent systems, why can robots and humans learn so much from each other when playing table tennis and …
Hacking for civil and disaster protection
Unter dem Motto: „Computer mit Augen, Ohren und Verstand?! – Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen“ beteiligt sich das DFKI am bundesweiten ...
A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI.