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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 7 of 7.
  1. NaLamKI: digital platform for the agriculture of the future

    NaLamKI: digital platform for the agriculture of the future

    Farmers are facing major challenges: increasing dependence on a few large companies, difficult access to specialised service providers and pressure to ...

  2. AI-supported decision-making systems for agriculture

    AI-supported decision-making systems for agriculture

    German-French project R4Agri launched

  3. Funding for AI in agriculture: an overview of the new projects

    Funding for AI in agriculture: an overview of the new projects

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) is addressing key challenges in agriculture and food production with several new ...

  4. Reliable environment perception for machines on the field: DFKI starts further project in agriculture with AI-TEST-FIELD

    Reliable environment perception for machines on the field: DFKI starts further project in agriculture with AI-TEST-FIELD

    Intelligent assistance systems and highly automated machines can increase the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural processes. In the new ...

  5. TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    The goal of the TreeSatAI project is the development of artificial intelligence methods for the monitoring of forests and tree populations at local, ...

  6. Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Forschungsprojekt Smarte Daten Smarte Dienste (SDSD) erfolgreich abgeschlossen

  7. Wenn Landmaschinen miteinander reden – iGreen ermöglicht Durchbruch in der herstellerübergreifenden Maschinen-Kommunikation.

    Wenn Landmaschinen miteinander reden – iGreen ermöglicht Durchbruch in der herstellerübergreifenden Maschinen-Kommunikation.

    Am heutigen Dienstag präsentierten Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe „Machine Connector“ des Forschungsprojekts iGeen auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz ...