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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 26.
  1. Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    The ‘Crafting Futures’ research project aims to use augmented reality technology (AR) and generative AI to make it possible for everyone to directly ...

  2. Großer Schritt für KI und Umwelt: BMUV zeigt erste Ergebnisse der Green-AI Hub Pilotprojekte

    Großer Schritt für KI und Umwelt: BMUV zeigt erste Ergebnisse der Green-AI Hub Pilotprojekte

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute das diesjährige Green-AI Hub Forum in Berlin eröffnet, auf dem zehn mittelständische Unternehmen ...

  3. Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    How can we teach organic visual orientation to machines? That is exactly what scientists at the German Research Centre of Artificial Intelligence ...

  4. Network of excellence paves the way for edge AI technologies
  5. Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    This question will be answered by an event hosted by the European research network HumanE-AI-Net on May 25, 2023, at the European Parliament in ...

  6. Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute in Berlin den Green-AI Hub Mittelstand eröffnet. Die Initiative des Bundesumweltministeriums zeigt, wie ...

  7. Sharespace bringt Mensch und Avatar durch neue Technologie in einen hybriden virtuellen Raum

    Sharespace bringt Mensch und Avatar durch neue Technologie in einen hybriden virtuellen Raum

    Das Projekt Sharespace wird eine neue Technologie entwickeln, die eine mehrdimensionale Interaktion in einem gemeinsamen virtuellen Raum ermöglicht. ...

  8. Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    DFKI coordinates new EU project HumanTech

  9. Hitachi presents research with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).  

    Hitachi presents research with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).  

    Hitachi and DFKI have been collaborating on various research projects for many years. Hitachi is now presenting joint current research with DFKI, the ...

  10. Medica 2021: Better posture at the workplace thanks to new sensor technology

    Medica 2021: Better posture at the workplace thanks to new sensor technology

    Whether pain in the back, shoulders or knees: Incorrect posture in the workplace can have consequences. A sensor system developed by researchers at ...