SmartFactory-KL is introducing its new demonstrator plans for the Hannover Messe 2020 for the first time at SPS (Smart Production Solutions Trade ...
What will manufacturing look like in the future? Until now the concepts of automation have placed machines at the forefront, with no role to play …
The signing of a pioneering agreement in Eindhoven (NL) by three renowned institutions on September 26, 2019 marked the creation of the European ...
Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Arbeitswelt umfassend. Sie hat das Potential, dem Menschen als digitaler Arbeitspartner zur Seite zu stehen …
Call for mid-caps, SMEs and manufacturing start-ups to receive support from the EU
Elections for members of the Executive Board of the technology initiative SmartFactory-KL were held at the Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2019. ...
The safety concept is designed to protect people from the risk associated with manufacturing jobs. Increasingly complex, modular Industrie 4.0 ...
The new infrastructure concept by the partner consortium at SmartFactory-KL represents a scalable solution that is very appropriate for Industrial ...
People employed in future production jobs will have an important partner in artificial intelligence (AI). The technology is able to quickly and ...
Das Europäische Innovations- und Technologieinstitut (EIT) hat den Gewinner eines europaweiten Wettbewerbs zur Wertschöpfung in der Produktion …