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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 12.
  1. Quanten-Computing in der Fertigung: Abschlussveranstaltung des BMWK-geförderten Projekts QUASIM

    Quanten-Computing in der Fertigung: Abschlussveranstaltung des BMWK-geförderten Projekts QUASIM

    Nach einer mehr als dreijährigen Laufzeit nähert sich das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) geförderte Projekt "QUASIM – ...

  2. Harnessing quantum technology for industry: Cutting-edge simulations for Industry 4.0

    Harnessing quantum technology for industry: Cutting-edge simulations for Industry 4.0

    High-quality, defect-free and perfectly dimensioned metal components. Quantum computing power looks set to optimize production processes in the ...

  3. Project closing event in Berlin of SPAICER - Scalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization

    Project closing event in Berlin of SPAICER - Scalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization

    After three years, SPAICER will celebrate its successful conclusion with an event on June 23, 2023 at Spreespeicher in Berlin. The research project, ...

  4. QUASIM presented at the Days of Digital Technologies (TDDT)

    QUASIM presented at the Days of Digital Technologies (TDDT)

    From August 29 - 30, 2022, the DFKI research department Smart Service Engineering (SSE) and its project partners Fraunhofer IPT and ModuleWorks ...

  5. Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Hacking for civil and disaster protection

  6. Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Combining research strength and integration expertise: Arvato Systems and the Smart Service Engineering research department of the German Research ...

  7. Launch of QUASIM project for quantum-computing-supported simulation in manufacturing

    Launch of QUASIM project for quantum-computing-supported simulation in manufacturing

    Research in the field of quantum computing (QC) is registering rapid progress and has been raising expectations for use in industrial production ...

  8. Damit können Unternehmen in die Zukunft sehen / SPAICER macht Produktion mit Künstlicher Intelligenz widerstandsfähiger

    Damit können Unternehmen in die Zukunft sehen / SPAICER macht Produktion mit Künstlicher Intelligenz widerstandsfähiger

    Einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen. Für Unternehmen würde dies bedeuten, dass man beispielsweise im Voraus weiß, ab wann eine Maschine Ausschuss ...

  9. New beacon project to make the future more predictable for companies

    New beacon project to make the future more predictable for companies

    No raw materials due to the corona pandemic, the collapse of supply chains due to low water in rivers, or a production stoppage caused by a wearing ...

  10.  SPAICER Project Wins the AI Innovation Competition of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

    SPAICER Project Wins the AI Innovation Competition of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

    Production companies struggle with disruptions every day. These can be external disturbances, such as delays in logistics, raw material shortages, and ...