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News Overview

Displaying results 11 to 20 of 61.
  1. DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz bei Diagnosen mitdenkt oder wie aus Pferden Zebras werden. Was ist eine „intelligente“ Wursttheke und wie denkt …

  2. Transparent AI as a success factor for the EU

    Transparent AI as a success factor for the EU

    Guest article by Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger, DFKI CEO, in the Handelsblatt Journal on the occasion of the Handelsblatt AI Summit, which took place …

  3. DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    From June 15 to 18, 2022, France and Germany will present future European digital champions in the French-German Tech Lab at the Vivatechnology ...

  4. DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    After two years as a digital event, Saarland University's Open Day will be held in attendance mode on Saturday, May 21, 2022. DFKI will also be ...

  5. Regionales Zukunftszentrum berät zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Transformation

    Regionales Zukunftszentrum berät zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Transformation

    Einladung zur Online-Auftaktveranstaltung am 27. Januar 2022. Das neu gegründete Regionale Zukunftszentrum für KI und digitale Transformation …

  6. Medica 2021: Better posture at the workplace thanks to new sensor technology

    Medica 2021: Better posture at the workplace thanks to new sensor technology

    Whether pain in the back, shoulders or knees: Incorrect posture in the workplace can have consequences. A sensor system developed by researchers …

  7. CIIRC CTU and DFKI sign Memorandum of Understanding

    CIIRC CTU and DFKI sign Memorandum of Understanding

    At the trilateral science conference "German-Polish-Czech Science Platform,” Prof. Dr. Vladimir Mařík, scientific director of the Czech Institute …

  8. Valerie Wolf Gang is "Artist in Residence" at DFKI Saarbrücken

    Valerie Wolf Gang is "Artist in Residence" at DFKI Saarbrücken

    For four weeks, DFKI opens its laboratories, workshops, and offices to the media artist, film director, and art researcher Valerie Wolf Gang from ...

  9. Federal President Steinmeier visits the RICAIP Research Centre

    Federal President Steinmeier visits the RICAIP Research Centre

    As part of his state visit to the Czech Republic, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife visited the RICAIP Centre at the Czech ...

  10. First joint Inria-DFKI Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – IDESSAI 2021

    First joint Inria-DFKI Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – IDESSAI 2021

    Trustworthy AI and AI for medicine were the two thematic pillars of the first joint summer school of the French national research institute for ...