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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 79.
  1. DFKI presents innovative space robots and groundbreaking research at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

    DFKI presents innovative space robots and groundbreaking research at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

    The DFKI Robotics Innovation Center will be represented at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024 in Bremen and will showcase its latest developments in the ...

  2. Digitales Ökosystem für KI-basierte Robotik – DFKI an großem Verbundprojekt „RoX“ beteiligt

    Digitales Ökosystem für KI-basierte Robotik – DFKI an großem Verbundprojekt „RoX“ beteiligt

    Im September ist das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) geförderte Verbundprojekt „RoX“ offiziell gestartet. Ziel des ...

  3. Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Scientists at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen are working on robots that can overcome steep lunar craters and traverse the rough …

  4. Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    When it comes to expanding renewable energies and protecting the environment and resources, maritime technologies play an important role. On the ...

  5. Ticking time bombs on the seabed: DFKI develops innovative AI technologies for autonomous robots to recover munitions

    Ticking time bombs on the seabed: DFKI develops innovative AI technologies for autonomous robots to recover munitions

    More than one million tons of munitions dumped in the North and Baltic Seas during and after the two world wars posing a threat to both humans and …

  6. Quantum research at the Weser: DFKI and University of Bremen advance quantum machine learning for robotic applications

    Quantum research at the Weser: DFKI and University of Bremen advance quantum machine learning for robotic applications

    To operate autonomously in unknown or changing environments, robots need to process huge amounts of data in a very short time. Where classical ...

  7. Paving the way for long-term missions on the moon: European team of autonomous robots explores lava cave in Lanzarote

    Paving the way for long-term missions on the moon: European team of autonomous robots explores lava cave in Lanzarote

    As potential locations for future base camps, the lava caves on the moon are of great interest. But how can they be reached and explored? This has ...

  8. Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Roboter sollen möglichst autonom Altlasten sanieren sowie beim Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen und der Bergung von Gefahrstoffen unterstützen – …

  9. ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    Robots should perform decontamination tasks as independently as possible in environments that are hostile to humans, e.g. in the remediation of ...

  10. Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    More space for artificial intelligence: In the presence of numerous honorary guests from politics, industry and science, the German Research …