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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 110.
  1. Wildlife conservation in offshore wind farms: DFKI develops autonomous underwater robot to monitor marine biodiversity

    Wildlife conservation in offshore wind farms: DFKI develops autonomous underwater robot to monitor marine biodiversity

    Sustainable monitoring of the marine environment is crucial for the environmentally responsible operation of offshore wind farms and the protection of ...

  2. DFKI presents innovative space robots and groundbreaking research at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

    DFKI presents innovative space robots and groundbreaking research at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024

    The DFKI Robotics Innovation Center will be represented at Space Tech Expo Europe 2024 in Bremen and will showcase its latest developments in the ...

  3. Digital ecosystem for AI-based robotics – DFKI involved in large joint project “RoX”

    Digital ecosystem for AI-based robotics – DFKI involved in large joint project “RoX”

    The joint project “RoX”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), was officially launched in September. The ...

  4. Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Intelligent Solutions for Future-Oriented Space Robots – DFKI Presents Current Research at the 14th EASN International Conference

    Scientists at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen are working on robots that can overcome steep lunar craters and traverse the rough Martian ...

  5. Zukunft der Landwirtschaft:  Autonome Maschinen mit großem Potenzial, Digitalisierung mit Hindernissen

    Zukunft der Landwirtschaft:  Autonome Maschinen mit großem Potenzial, Digitalisierung mit Hindernissen

    Nach fünf Jahren neigt sich das Projekt Zukunftslabor Agrar (ZLA) dem Ende zu. Forschungseinrichtungen aus Niedersachsen, darunter das DFKI, ...

  6. C4Retail Project Kick-off: Context-aware Robots for Retail

    C4Retail Project Kick-off: Context-aware Robots for Retail

    On June 27 and 28, 2024, the project kick-off of C4Retail – Context-aware Robots for Retail – occurred in the DFKI's Laboratory for Human-Robot ...

  7. Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    The Plan-Based Robot Control research department, which is located at the Lower Saxony site of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence ...

  8. DFKI auf der AGRITECHNICA 2023

    DFKI auf der AGRITECHNICA 2023

    Der Forschungsbereich „Planbasierte Robotersteuerung“ des DFKI Niedersachsen präsentiert sich vom 12. bis 18. November 2023 auf der AGRITECHNICA, der ...

  9. FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    Podcast-Sendung mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Hertzberg vom 06.10.2023. Von Alexander Armbruster.

  10. Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    Robert Habeck visits Bremen: DFKI and Fraunhofer IFAM present intelligent robotics for offshore applications

    When it comes to expanding renewable energies and protecting the environment and resources, maritime technologies play an important role. On the ...