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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 12.
  1. Prof. Carsten Binnig receives LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur

    Prof. Carsten Binnig receives LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur

    The state of Hessen has awarded Prof. Dr Carsten Binnig, head of the research area Systemic AI for Decision Support at the DFKI laboratory in ...

  2. Schnelle Suche in unstrukturierten Daten – Best Long Paper für DFKI-Forschende bei der BTW’23

    Schnelle Suche in unstrukturierten Daten – Best Long Paper für DFKI-Forschende bei der BTW’23

    Im Rahmen der 20. BTW’23 wurde das Paper „WannaDB: Ad-hoc SQL Queries over Text Collections“ von Benjamin Hättasch, Jan-Micha Bodensohn, Liane …

  3. Think big ... in Japan: Expansion of cooperation with Osaka Metropolitan University as next step towards DFKI Lab Japan

    Think big ... in Japan: Expansion of cooperation with Osaka Metropolitan University as next step towards DFKI Lab Japan

    An important foundation stone has been laid for the planned establishment of a DFKI research lab in Japan: A cooperation agreement was signed with ...

  4. Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    With "Data Science and its Applications", the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is establishing a new research department …

  5. HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI. 

  6. Andreas Dengel receives highest award in the field of document analysis

    Andreas Dengel receives highest award in the field of document analysis

    Prof. Andreas Dengel, scientific director and site manager at DFKI-Kaiserslautern received the IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievement Award at the ...

  7. Sind Steuerfunktionen bereit für Künstliche Intelligenz?

    Sind Steuerfunktionen bereit für Künstliche Intelligenz?

    WTS und DFKI präsentieren internationale KI-Studie zur digitalen Reife von Steuerabteilungen – München, 13. November 2018 – Künstliche Intelligenz ...

  8. Umweltinformatik-Preis für Forschungsbereich Wissensmanagement

    Mit seinem Projekt „CRUV – A Collaborative Route-Planning System for Utility Vehicles Enabling Efficient Ressource Planning“ hat Fabian Fichter …