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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 40.
  1. Learning machines: DFKI presents new findings at the Conference on Robot Learning

    Learning machines: DFKI presents new findings at the Conference on Robot Learning

    At the Darmstadt laboratory of the German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) researchers investigate how robots can learn ...

  2. Medica 2024: How 6G Can Make Medical Prevention More Efficient – Wireless Aggregation of Health Data

    Medica 2024: How 6G Can Make Medical Prevention More Efficient – Wireless Aggregation of Health Data

    Health data, distributed across various applications, could be unified in a digital medical twin: This is how doctors could improve patient care with ...

  3. DFKI auf dem Digitalgipfel 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz und der Weg zur digitalen Souveränität

    DFKI auf dem Digitalgipfel 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz und der Weg zur digitalen Souveränität

    Von Montag, 21. Oktober bis Dienstag, 22. Oktober, fand der Digitalgipfel 2024 in Frankfurt statt. Unter dem Leitthema „Deutschland Digital – ...

  4. 6G research on the rise: highlights of the Berlin 6G Conference

    6G research on the rise: highlights of the Berlin 6G Conference

    The "Berlin 6G Conference" kicked off on Tuesday, 2 July with a record attendance of around 900 experts from research, business and politics. The ...

  5. Berlin 6G Conference 2024: How 6G and AI transform medicine of tomorrow

    Berlin 6G Conference 2024: How 6G and AI transform medicine of tomorrow

    At the Berlin 6G Conference 2024, the vision and technologies of the new generation of mobile communications will continue to take shape. Between 2 ...

  6. Triumph in Kassel: B-Human continues its winning streak at the RoboCup German Open

    Triumph in Kassel: B-Human continues its winning streak at the RoboCup German Open

    With an impressive goal difference of 46:2, the Bremen robot soccer team won the RoboCup German Open 2024 in Kassel. In a thrilling final, B-Human, ...

  7. Innovation Quarter Oldenburg: Partners present plans for IQON

    Innovation Quarter Oldenburg: Partners present plans for IQON

    At today's neighbourhood day 100 years after the topping-out ceremony of the "Alte Fleiwa" in Oldenburg - once Europe's largest meat products factory ...

  8. International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing in Kaiserslautern

    International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing in Kaiserslautern

    The International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing will be held from September 7-9, 2023 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

  9. Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    Beyond ChatGPT: How can Europe become a leader in generative AI?

    This question will be answered by an event hosted by the European research network HumanE-AI-Net on May 25, 2023, at the European Parliament in ...

  10. DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    Synthetic data for environmental protection, AI methods for the resilient and crisis-resistant manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic ...