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News Overview

Displaying results 41 to 50 of 128.
  1. DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    The DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen continues its growth: With the new, fourth research department Interactive Machine Learning (IML), Prof. …

  2. Qurator Conference 2021 – eine Woche im Zeichen künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Kuratierungstechnologien

    Qurator Conference 2021 – eine Woche im Zeichen künstlicher Intelligenz und digitaler Kuratierungstechnologien

    Nach dem erfolgreichen Auftakt im Januar dieses Jahres geht die Qurator Conference on Digital Curation Technologies in die nächste Runde. Die …

  3. 100 million translated words: A new milestone for the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    100 million translated words: A new milestone for the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    Since the beginning of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union in July 2020, the German EU Council Presidency Translator has …

  4. 9. META-FORUM - On the way to digital linguistic justice in Europe

    9. META-FORUM - On the way to digital linguistic justice in Europe

    The DFKI organizes the META FORUM 2020 online from 1 to 3 December. META-FORUM is the international conference series on innovative language ...

  5. 100 million words translated with EU Council Presidency Translator!

    100 million words translated with EU Council Presidency Translator!

    Interview with Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith, Head of the Multilinguality and Language Technology research department at DFKI in Saarbrücken, on ...

  6. University of Oldenburg: Endowed professorship for Artificial Intelligence is filled
  7. 9th META-FORUM: Piloting the European Language Grid

    9th META-FORUM: Piloting the European Language Grid

    This year's edition of META-FORUM presents the latest developments in European language technology in industry and research.

  8. HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI. 

  9. Smart Data for the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Diseases – The MePheSTO Research Project

    People with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression are often disabled for life, have a lower life …

  10. Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    „Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie …