Das BMBF-geförderte Verbundprojekt „Ressourceneffiziente Datentreuhänder mit verschlüsselten Datensätzen für die Forschung“ (DaTreFo) erforscht und entwickelt…
Following the successful completion of the European Union-funded European Language Grid project, a comprehensive documentation of the language technology…
Since October 2022, 13 partners from science and industry have been working together in the new research project "BaSys4Transfer" to implement an Industry 4.0…
Robots should perform decontamination tasks as independently as possible in environments that are hostile to humans, e.g. in the remediation of contaminated…
Anomalies and defects in the production process cause high costs and have a negative impact on sustainability and productivity. If it is possible to detect such…
At its meeting on 03.11.2022 in Bremen, the DFKI Supervisory Board elected Dr. Ferri Abolhassan, Deutsche Telekom AG, as its new Chairman. The previous DFKI…
Vom 1. bis zum 4. November findet zum zweiten Mal die „Lübecker Woche der Künstlichen Intelligenz“ statt. Die Universität zu Lübeck, die Technische Hochschule…
As part of the "ForeSight" project, DFKI interviewed companies that could play a role in a smart living ecosystem. Among them were companies from the housing…
The Yield consortium uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to reliably predict agricultural yields. In collaboration with BASF Digital Farming, John…
Quelloffene Hardware-Architekturen wie RISC-V bieten eine unabhängige und kostengünstige Alternative zu den großen Chip-Herstellern. Um die vielen Vorteile…