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Press Releases

  1. Saving heating demand through AI: SECAI project receives award from "Edge data economy" technology program

    Making sustainability digital - this is the guiding theme of this year's Days of Digital Technologies (TddT) from August 29th to 30th, 2022, at the …

  2. IDESSAI 2022 - Second joint Summer School of Inria and DFKI

    The "IDESSAI Inria-DFKI European Summer School on AI 2022" will take place from August 29 - September 2, 2022 on the campus of Saarland University. …

  3. Mittelstand Digital Center for Retailers launches: Contact point for retailers

    On August 1, 2022, the "Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Handel" was launched, which continues the work of the previous "Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum …

  4. Digital bait for more IT security in mechanical engineering - IUNO Insec project completed  

    According to the German IT association Bitkom, cybercriminals caused losses of 223 billion euros at German companies in 2020. That is more than twice …

  5. Bremen’s Application a Success – Germany to Host Renowned Artificial Intelligence Conference Again after 43 Years

    Bremen will be hosting the prestigious International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in 2026. Thanks to the successful application …

  6. Ein Gruppenfoto mit dem Gesundheits- und Wissenschaftsminister Clemens Hoch an der DFKI-Außenstelle in Trier

    Wissenschaftsminister Clemens Hoch besucht die DFKI-Außenstelle Trier

    Trier/ Kaiserslautern – Am 27.07.2022 besuchte der Minister für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit Clemens Hoch die Außenstelle des Deutschen …

  7. Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    DFKI coordinates new EU project HumanTech

  8. With new technologies and concepts against cardiovascular diseases – curATime is one of the BMBF's clusters of the future

    Yesterday, curATime – “Cluster for Atherothrombosis and Individualized Medicine”, a cluster concept jointly developed by TRON gGmbH, Mainz University …

  9. [Translate to English:]

    A class of its own: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship 2022 in Bangkok

    After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the World Robotic Soccer Championship was held again for the first time – this time in Bangkok, Thailand. …

  10. [Translate to English:]

    Fourth DFKI location: "A good day for Lower Saxony" – Festive opening with guests of honor and panel discussion

    The DFKI Lab Niedersachsen with its two branches in Osnabrück and Oldenburg, founded in 2019, has become the fourth location of DFKI since July 1, …

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