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Press Releases

  1. Demonstrator interactive

    New Demonstrator / Update Industrie 4.0: Production Level 4

    • New demonstrator features new system architecture, exchangeable modules, and Gaia-X

    • Production Level 4 is a further development of Industrie 4.0  …

  2. Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    People generally know which objects they call theirs and which they do not. For machines, however, changing functions of objects present an unresolved …

  3. DFKI wird Partner der Event-Serie „AI Monday“ in Berlin

    Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI, wird neben Berlin Partner weiterer Partner der von der Beratung Taival ins Leben …

  4. Thinking fast & slow: New DFKI project aims at making Deep Learning methods more reliable

    When people face a problem, they can look at it calmly and logically, or they can decide spontaneously and emotionally. Modern computers are in a …

  5. Inria and DFKI Sign Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in AI

    On the first anniversary of the Aachen Treaty, the French National Institute for Information Technology, Inria, and the German Research Center for …

  6. Prof. Wahlster

    Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster receives honorary doctorate from the Czech Technical University in Prague

    On 21 January 2020, an honorary doctorate was awarded to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster in the venerable Bethlehem Chapel of the …

  7. Nationwide AI project "Knowledge4Retail" starts realisation

    Roughly 40 experts from the areas of software development, artificial intelligence, research and trade have started the realisation phase of …

  8. Press invitation: Inria and DFKI sign Memorandum of Understanding on 22 January in Saarbrücken

    On the first anniversary of the Aachen Treaty, the French national institute for information technology, Inria (Institut national de recherche en …

  9. German Expert on Industry 4.0 will lead RICAIP Centre of Excellence at CIIRC CTU in Prague with a budget of EUR 48,2 mil.

    From January 2020, the newly established RICAIP Centre (Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production) at the Czech Institute of …

  10. Campus of Sartorius

    Sartorius and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence launch joint research laboratory

    The Sartorius AI Lab (SAIL) conducts research in the use of artificial intelligence in Sartorius platform solutions for the biopharmaceutical industry

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

DFKI Bremen

DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen