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Press Releases

  1. AI in the water management sector - sustainability minister Katrin Eder signs the cooperation agreement "DZW - Digital Twin Water Economy"

    On July 4th, the sustainability minister of Rheinland-Pfalz, Katrin Eder, signed the cooperation agreement for the project "DZW - Digital Twin Water …

  2. German AI competence centers receive permanent funding

    Joint press release. Only available in German.

  3. Think big ... in Japan: Expansion of cooperation with Osaka Metropolitan University as next step towards DFKI Lab Japan

    An important foundation stone has been laid for the planned establishment of a DFKI research lab in Japan: A cooperation agreement was signed with …

  4. DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz bei Diagnosen mitdenkt oder wie aus Pferden Zebras werden. Was ist eine „intelligente“ Wursttheke und wie denkt eigentlich …

  5. Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Combining research strength and integration expertise: Arvato Systems and the Smart Service Engineering research department of the German Research …

  6. Strengthening basic AI research: DFKI establishes laboratory at TU Darmstadt

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is expanding basic AI research with a laboratory at TU Darmstadt. The focus is on …

  7. Towards Digital Language Equality: META-FORUM 2022 presents project results and newest release of European Language Grid

    Three years after the last in-person meeting, the annual European conference on Language Technology returns to Brussels: META-FORUM 2022 takes place …

  8. Launch of QUASIM project for quantum-computing-supported simulation in manufacturing

    Research in the field of quantum computing (QC) is registering rapid progress and has been raising expectations for use in industrial production …

  9. Europe's largest testbed for distributed manufacturing launched by CIIRC and DFKI

    On 28 April 2022, the largest decentralized German-Czech testbed for distributed production in the paradigm of Industry 4.0 was inaugurated at the …

  10. DFKI Featuring Industrial AI and AI in Medicine and Healthcare at Hannover Messe 2022

    After two years as a purely digital offering, Hannover Messe is back as an in-presence event, from May 30 to June 2, 2022.

Corporate Communication

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