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Press Releases

  1. Eine digitale Lernplattform für Künstliche Intelligenz: Der KI-Campus

    Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczek hat heute im Rahmen des Digital-Gipfels der Bundesregierung den Startschuss für den Aufbau einer digitalen Lernplattform…

  2. SmartFactory-KL introduces the future of production: Production Level 4

    What will manufacturing look like in the future? Until now the concepts of automation have placed machines at the forefront, with no role to play for people.…

  3. Schwarz Group to work more closely with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in the future

    • Trading group acquires company share of DFKI

    • Research partnership at the forefront of cooperation


  4. DFKI’s founding director Professor Wahlster receives Germany’s Grand Cross

    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster, Chief Executive Advisor and, until the beginning of 2019, CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),…

  5. Professor Wahlster erhält CIIRC-Ehrenmedaille der Technischen Universität Prag für die deutsch-tschechische Zusammenarbeit zu Industrie 4.0.

    Am 26. September wurde Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI Saarbrücken und Berlin) mit der CIIRC-Ehrenmedaille des Tschechischen Instituts für…

  6. “Knowledge4Retail” consortium with participation of the DFKI receives funding in AI innovation competition

    Does the digitalisation offer new paths out of the dead end of stationary retail? Yes, says the “Knowledge4Retail” consortium that received a funding of close…

  7. Establishment of SmartFactory-EU

    The signing of a pioneering agreement in Eindhoven (NL) by three renowned institutions on September 26, 2019 marked the creation of the European association…

  8. Andreas Dengel receives highest award in the field of document analysis

    Prof. Andreas Dengel, scientific director and site manager at DFKI-Kaiserslautern received the IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievement Award at the International…

  9. Connecting AI with Industrial Robotics – Launch of RICAIP Project

    Prague. Virtual and augmented reality for remote industrial production control or a system for its rapid adaptation according to the customer's current needs…

  10. Innovative Retail Lab eröffnet in neuen Räumlichkeiten

    Das Labor für innovative Technologien im Einzelhandel eröffnet heute seine neue Forschungsumgebung im Globus-Markt in St. Wendel. Dort bietet das Innovative…

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

DFKI Bremen

DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen