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DFKI at the German Robotics Conference 2025

| Press release | Robotics | Cyber-Physical Systems | Foundations of Systems AI | Innovative Factory Systems | Intelligent Networks | Cognitive Assistants | Plan-Based Robot Control | Robotics Innovation Center | Systems AI for Robot Learning | Kaiserslautern | Saarbrücken | Bremen | Darmstadt | Osnabrück / Oldenburg

From March 13 to 15, 2025, the first German Robotics Conference (GRC) 2025 will take place at the Nuremberg Convention Center. Organized by the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), the conference will bring together leading German robotics experts to discuss the latest developments and trends in AI-based robotics. As a partner of RIG, DFKI is strongly represented: Scientists from all over Germany will present their latest research results in Nuremberg.

© Robotics Institute Germany

The German Robotics Conference (GRC) is the first conference of the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The main goal of the RIG, in which DFKI is a partner, is to promote networking in Germany, increase its international visibility, and drive progress in AI-based robotics. 

The three-day conference will provide exclusive insights into the latest developments at the interface of robotics and artificial intelligence. Over 200 researchers will present groundbreaking advances in the field of AI-based robotics in short talks and poster sessions. In addition, new research clusters on key topics will be defined at the conference to drive these forward in the RIG network. The first day will feature high-profile panel discussions on current research issues, the second day will focus on industrial applications, and the third day will be dedicated to the promotion of promising talent.

DFKI research departments from all over Germany present current research

Scientists from various DFKI research departments are participating in the GRC: Robotics Innovation Center in Bremen (Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner), Innovative Factory Systems in Kaiserslautern (Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruskowski), Cognitive Assistance Systems in Saarbrücken (Head: Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger), Plan-based Robot Control in Osnabrück (Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller), Systemic AI for Learning Robots in Darmstadt (Head: Prof. Dr. Jan Peters) and Fundamentals of Systemic AI in Darmstadt (Head: Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting). In interactive sessions, they will present their latest research results – ranging from autonomous robotic systems for industrial, medical and agricultural applications to current developments in underwater and space robotics. In addition, advances in robot learning and AI-based control, tactile perception and sensing, multimodal and speech-based robotics, and robot simulation and digital twins will be presented.

Live demo: The humanoid robot RH5

The conference will also feature an interactive live demo area where the latest robotic technologies will be on display, including humanoid robots, new robotic hands, mobile robots and assistive robots such as a wheelchair with robotic arm support. The DFKI Robotics Innovation Center will present the humanoid robot RH5. At 56 kg and 1.87 m tall, RH5 is a real lightweight thanks to its innovative lightweight structure made of aluminum investment casting. It is versatile and can be equipped with different grippers – 2, 3 or 4 fingers. RH5 is characterized by its ability to run fast, dynamic and stable. With a top speed of 0.43 m/s, it is one of the fastest humanoid robots in its class.

On Thursday, March 13, 2025, there will be a guided tour of the live demo area for members of the press from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Please register via email at:

RoboCup German Open 2025 – Reigning World Champion B-Human Competes

The RoboCup German Open 2025 will take place in Nuremberg at the same time as the GRC. More than 40 major teams from universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes from Germany, Europe and overseas, as well as 200 junior teams from German schools, will compete in exciting matches. The reigning world champion of the Standard Platform League, B-Human, will once again participate in the Robot Soccer tournament. The joint team of the University of Bremen and the DFKI research department Cyber-Physical Systems wants to continue its long success story with another title in Nuremberg.

Further information on the RoboCup German Open

Further information on the Robotics Conference Germany


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner 
RIG Coordinator at DFKI 
Phone: +49 421 17845 4101 

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Communications & Media DFKI Bremen