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Innovation Mine founded at former Ewald colliery - Digital impulses from science and business for the public sector

| Knowledge & Business Intelligence | Institute for Information Systems | Saarbrücken

The development and implementation of new information technologies is becoming increasingly important in the digital transformation of public administration. It is a great challenge to keep an eye on the rapid development of future technologies, to recognize their added value for the public sector, and to make it transparent and accessible. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising future technologies in this context.

© PROSOZ Herten GmbH
The founding members f.l.t.r: D.Miller, C.Krüger, Dr. H. Thewes, C.Rupp, A. Baltissen , A. Alkassar, Prof. Dr. P. Loos, T.Rattmann, M. von den Benken, T. Kniepmeyer.

The full press release is only available in German.

Press contact:

Andrea Forst

Leiterin Marketing und Unternehmenskommunikation, PROSOZ