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Niyati Bafna receives the COLING 2024 Best Student Paper Award

| Language & Text Understanding | Multilinguality and Language Technology | Saarbrücken

The paper by Niyati Bafna (et al.) entitled "When Your Cousin Has the Right Connections: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Related Data-Imbalanced Languages" was awarded the COLING 2024 Best Student Paper Award.


It is a result of a collaboration between DFKI, INRIA and Saarland University (LCT). The award was presented at the closing event of the conference on 24 May 2024 in Turin. In addition to Niyati, the co-authors Cristina España-Bonet, Prof. Dr Josef van Genabith, Benoît Sagot and Rachel Bawden were also honored for their outstanding work.


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