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Technological Sovereignty – Hans Schotten appointed to expert council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

| Press release | Intelligent Networks | Kaiserslautern

Professor Dr. Hans Schotten has been appointed to the Council for Technological Sovereignty of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This body supports the Ministry in identifying and strengthening fields of technology with long-term strategic importance for the technological sovereignty of Germany and Europe. Professor Schotten holds the Chair of Radio Communication and Navigation at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUK) and heads the Intelligent Networks research area at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

In his research, Professor Schotten deals with mobile radio technologies and radio communication, among other things. This includes, for example, the next generations of the 5G and 6G mobile communications standards. The team around the mobile radio expert is working, for example, to ensure that such technologies function reliably and are available everywhere. But data security also plays an important role in this context. These technologies are important for autonomous driving, industrial production, but also for agriculture.

Schotten is also Chairman of the Information Technology Society (ITG) and a member of the Executive Committee of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (VDE).

The newly appointed Council of the BMBF consists of eleven experts from science, industry and society.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Dieter Schotten

Head of Research Department Intelligent Networks

Press contact:

Christian Heyer

Head of Corporate Communications , DFKI Kaiserslautern