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Project | AScore



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Political decisions on measures to contain a pandemic must be made promptly and under great uncertainty. Even though the federal and state governments set the framework, many of the measures must be implemented at the local level. Thus, local crisis management at the county level with implementation regulations, monitoring of compliance with measures and, if necessary, setting additional county-specific measures plays a crucial role and must balance competing demands of the local health system, social systems, economy, infrastructure and supply health of the population.

In the "AScore" project, the integration of smart cities and agent-based social simulation will lead to an improved state of information in crisis management. Our focus lies on identifying, aggregating, and interpreting decision-relevant information to support the assessment and optimization of measures. For this purpose, a simulation-based management cockpit will be designed and implemented, covering the areas of a) health care system, b) public life, industry and economy, c) critical infrastructure and authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) and the d) health of the population.

Within the SoSAD-system we implemented an agent-based social simulation adapted to the city of Kaiserslautern. In AScore we will extend SoSAD, such that crisis dynamics will be modeled in suitable scenarios and realistic and decision-relevant manner.

In summary, the following objectives are pursued in AScore:

  1. data analysis and integration in a flexible dashboard with development of a pandemic pressure score.
  2. development of a measure-impact-repository for the analysis of already deployed measures for pandemic response.
  3. extension and integration of the SoSAD simulation model for simulative analysis of future pandemic response measures.


  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM
  • Stadtverwaltung Kaiserslautern
  • Stadtverwaltung Trier
  • Verband für Sicherheitstechnik e.V. (VfS)
  • CID GmbH
  • mata:solutions GmbH


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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research