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Project | ASSAM

Assistants for Safe Mobility

Assistants for Safe Mobility

The ASSAM project aims to compensate for declining physical and cognitive capabilities of elderly persons by user-centred development of modular navigation assistants for various mobility platforms, such as walker, wheelchair, and tricycle, providing sustained everyday mobility and autonomy with seamless transition from indoors to outdoors in environments such as residential complexes or the neighbourhood quarter.


  • Budelmann Elektronik GmbH, Münster, Germany - Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Berlin/Bremen, Germany - neusta mobile solutions GmbH, Bremen, Germany - Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain - Centre de vida independent, Barcelona, Spain - Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht, the Netherlands - Stichting Bartiméus, Doorn, the Netherlands - Ecobike, S.L., Forallac, Spain - Lifante Vehicles, S.A., Barcelona, Spain

Publications about the project


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research