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Project | ConWearDi

Digitalisierung von Baudienstleistungen und -prozessen mit Industrie 4.0 Technologien -  Construction - Wearables - Digitization

Digitalisierung von Baudienstleistungen und -prozessen mit Industrie 4.0 Technologien - Construction - Wearables - Digitization

In the construction and energy sectors, there is a great need to catch up in terms of digitisation. While in the field of planning in the construction industry digitisation with the support of "Building Information Modeling" (BIM; modelling and simulation tool) is gaining acceptance, the execution of construction work, i.e. the concrete value-adding work on the construction site with its trades, continues to be dominated by analogue media and processes. Examples include printed DIN-A0 plans and time sheets on paper, which are only digitally recorded in the office and are only available digitally locally. The digital world does not go beyond the office, the construction container or mobile terminals of architects and planners. The potential of new services, which can result from the networking of technologies and value-added areas in the building trade, remains untapped. The project aims to develop innovative, technology-based planning and control services that are driven by digital construction site processes and link various value chains in the construction industry environment. Wearables such as Smart Glasses or Smart Watches, which capture and process information in real time, are used here.

The project deals with the digitalisation of the construction industry and is intended to identify potential for new services. This also takes place against the background of Building Information Modeling (BIM). A web platform based on industry 4.0 technologies is to be developed, which enables a digital exchange of information between all parties involved in construction and realises intelligent planning and control services as well as continuous quality assurance and documentation processes.

If the implementation is successful, it will be possible in the future to use real-time construction information for intelligent monitoring and control of the processes during construction.


  • eBZ - eBusiness-KompetenzZentrum gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik
  • Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Center for Cognitive Science
  • Sander + Partner GmbH,
  • J. Wagner GmbH
  • Dr. Robert-Murjahn-Institut GmbH
  • HANNES GmbH & Co. KG Herten
  • Christian Gröber GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart
  • Adam Oswald GmbH Geisenheim


Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


PT: PTKA - Projektträger Karlsruhe

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research