DynaQ?s goal is to design the prototype of a data-recall facility to open up individual knowledge resources on a user?s desktop by using ?orienteering? as a retrieval strategy.
?Orienteering? is typically characterized by relatively small steps following one after another. In contrast to searching through keywords, ?orienteering? offers several advantages:
? Reduction of cognitive charge: it is dispensable to describe the sought information in detail in advance. It is sometimes easier to transact a search strategy rather than describing the actual goal.
? Sensitivity for the ambience: because of the advancement in rather small steps users are continuously aware of what they do and where they are. They are assured to control the process
? A sound understanding of the results: because of additionally learning about the context of how they were obtained understanding, interpreting and assessing the results? reliability is alleviated.
DynaQ includes different types of data (pdf, postscript, text, e-mail, etc.) as much as meta-information and available semantic annotations. Based on the existing visualization technique Dynamic Queries DynaQ aims to develop an interface which allows users to continuously develop their individual knowledge resources.