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Project | GreenTwin

Grüner Digitaler Zwilling mit Industrieller Intelligenz für CO2-sparende kooperative Mobilität & Logistik im ländlichen Raum

Grüner Digitaler Zwilling mit Industrieller Intelligenz für CO2-sparende kooperative Mobilität & Logistik im ländlichen Raum

The project GreenTwin (Green digital twin with artificial intelligence for CO2-saving cooperative mobility & logistics in rural areas) is dedicated to the development of sustainable regional logistics in rural areas. We investigate and develop an AI-supported, decentralised marketplace platform that links information on CO2 emissions and logistics services. For this purpose, we use a digital twin of the logistics & population of a regional centre, which allows for modelling and better estimating future decisions, human behaviour and group dynamics in the use of sustainable products and delivery services.


Hochschule Trier – Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld (Verbundkoordinator), PSI Logistics GmbH, RWTH Aachen


BMU - Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

BMU - Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety