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Project | HR40


Digital transformation using human relations 4.0 at Airbus Operations

Research Topics

  • Other

Industry 4.0 and smart services are fundamentally changing the aerospace industry, in particular as regards relationships between people, organisation and technology. Employees are particularly affected: skills must be re-examined, and qualification is increasingly being provided via workplace-integrated learning and in different areas of activity. New places and types of work are being developed and tested. Work organisation in production must be adjusted in line with the changed framework provided by the internet of things.

The Educational Technology Lab is a core partner of Airbus Operations GmbH’s HR 4.0 project. Its task is to develop a specialist concept including the two focal areas of qualification 4.0 and work 4.0. It is also piloting and testing model implementations in both focal areas with partners from Airbus Operations, taken from its value and supply chains as well as from science and research. An HR Lab is being established as a think tank, and an HR Hub to serve as a learning and research centre for HR 4.0.

Funding Authorities
