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Dipl.-Psych. Susan Beudt

Organizational unit Educational Technology Lab
Contact +49 30 23895 1840 (Berlin)

Address (Berlin) DFKI Labor Berlin - HauptgebäudeAlt-Moabit 91cD-10559 Berlin


All publications


  • KI-Kompass Inklusiv

    Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    The project is the follow-up project to KI.ASSIST (in which DFKI is already working successfully with 3 practice partners). Building on the results of KI.ASSIST, the new project KI Kompass Inklusiv…

    KI-Kompass Inklusiv
  • KIWW

    KI-Wissens- und Weiterbildungszentrum

    Artificial intelligence for people in occupational rehabilitation

    Digital transformation via artificial intelligence is setting trends for new forms of qualification and work in many sectors of the education and labour market. AI applications should therefore…


    Digitalisation, professional training and demography

    Digitalisation, professional training and demography

    Artificial intelligence and assistance and knowledge services are a key part of the changing world of work and qualification in the digital age. To…

  • HR40

    Digital transformation using human relations 4.0 at Airbus Operations

    Industry 4.0 and smart services are fundamentally changing the aerospace industry, in particular as regards relationships between people, organisation and technology. Employees are particularly…