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Project | KI.ASSIST

Artificial intelligence for people in occupational rehabilitation

Artificial intelligence for people in occupational rehabilitation

Application fields

Digital transformation via artificial intelligence is setting trends for new forms of qualification and work in many sectors of the education and labour market. AI applications should therefore support operational education and work practices and develop new activities for the target group of disabled people. However, the anticipated resulting changes do not take disabled people into account. This also applies for occupational rehabilitation, for example relating to opportunities for disabled people to participate in the general labour market or for shaping people’s transition from occupational rehabilitation facilities to employment that is subject to social security contributions.

The aim of the KI.ASSIST project is therefore to analyse and evaluate artificial intelligence applications as elements of a sociotechnical working and learning space for severely disabled people in occupational rehabilitation. Findings are fed into the testing of experimentation spaces in rehabilitation institutions and companies nationwide. Scientifically sound, practically oriented research will be used to examine which groups of people could sustainably benefit from AI-based applications. Recommendations will be formulated for digital transformation action relating to skills, infrastructure, organisation and change, and models will be developed for digital transformation in occupational rehabilitation.


Projektpartner: Bundesverband Deutscher Berufsförderungswerke e.V. (Gesamtkoordinator); Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsbildungswerke e.V.; Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen e.V.; Assoziierte Partner: acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften; Bitkom Servicegesellschaft mbH; eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft; IG Metall Vorstand

Funding Authorities

BMAS - Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales

BMAS - Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales