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Project | MMISS

Multimedia - Instruktion in Sicheren Systemen

Multimedia - Instruktion in Sicheren Systemen

The aim of the MMiSS project, which is supported by bmbf (German Ministry for Education and Research) in its programme "New Media in Education", is to set up a multimedia Internet-based adaptive educational system, covering the whole subject of Safe Systems.

Thanks to the uniform integration of hypermedia course materials and formal programming tools, teaching in this area will attain a level hitherto impossible in this form. The system will be as suitable for learning on campus and for distance-learning with their associated routine of assignments, as it is for supervised-, co-operative- and self-study.

The system is to be introduced step by step, during the duration of the project, into the normal teaching of the project partners: the University of Bremen, the Distance-University of Hagen, the University of Freiburg, LMU Munich and the University of the Saarland. However, as the "Open-Source" model is to be used and teaching materials and tools are to be made freely available, a much greater national and international take-up is to be expected. To assist this, within the project, a forum is to be founded with German, international, and industrial members, which will advise on what new subjects should be added to the system, and its development and distribution. The forum's advice will be in view of both academic and future industrial applications.



BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research