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Project | MoreCare

Care together in mobile mehabilitation: The assistance system MoreCare

Care together in mobile mehabilitation: The assistance system MoreCare

Despite limitations, many dependent people want more independence. Activating care provides help to help themselves. A promising approach to secure the long-term care or rehabilitation success is the mobile rehabilitation. An interdisciplinary team of therapists, nurses, doctors and social workers works together to ensure optimal patient care. The activities take place in the home environment of the patient. Due to the diversity of the approach, however, there arise problems in communication, documentation and interfaces between the care givers.

The aim of the project MORE CARE is to support the mobile rehabilitation technically and to strengthen it. The aim is to improve the communication between the different professional groups, patients and their relatives and to simplify the documentation by a semi-automatic, individualized guided documentation. Additionally, sensor-based mobilization support will be examined, e.g. by using different pressure, motion and vital signs sensors.


  • Charite - Forschungsgruppe Geriatrie
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Woltersdorf
  • Koralewski Industrie- Elektronik oHG
  • Tembit Software GmbH
  • Cocomore AG

Assoziierte Partner:

  • Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Mobile Rehabilitation e.V.
  • AOK Bundesverband
  • Land Brandenburg
  • Häusliche Krankenpflege Ute Schulz


All publications
  1. Usage of a Technical Communication and Documentation System by Older Adults and Professionals in Multidisciplinary Home Rehabilitation

    Anika Steinert; Jörn Kiselev; Robert Klebbe; Michael Schröder; Aaron Russ; Kinga Schumacher; Norbert Reithinger; Ursula Müller-Werdan

    In: Jia Zhou; Gavriel Salvendy (Hrsg.). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for the Elderly and Technology Acceptance. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), July 26-31, Orlando, FL, USA, ISBN 978-3-030-22011-2, Springer, 2019.

Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research