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Project | Ophthalmo-AI

Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

The goal of Ophthalmo-AI is to develop better diagnostic and therapeutic decision support in ophthalmology through effective collaboration of machine and human expertise (Interactive Machine Learning - IML). The DFKI aims to integrate clinical guidelines and knowledge of medical professionals (expert knowledge/or human intelligence) interactively with machine learning (artificial intelligence) into the diagnostic process in a so-called augmented intelligence system. In order to achieve this, diagnostic ML models and explanatory components (e.g., visualization tools) are developed, that provide physicians with feedback on the decisions of the ML model and thus make a decisive contribution to transparency in the diagnosis and therapy process. In the future, this system will not only be used in the diagnosis scenario, but also for low-threshold automatic support in the processing/annotation of OCT image data.


Fraunhofer-Institut Biomedizinische Technik (IBMT), Augenklinikum Sulzbach, Augenzentrum am St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster, Heidelberg Engeineering GmbH, LangTec, Universität des Saarlandes


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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research