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Project | QuMAL-KI


Quantum Accelerated Multi-Agent Learning for Long-Time Autonomous Robots

In the research project QuMAL-KI - Quantum Accelerated Multi-Agent Learning for Long-Time Autonomous Robots - existing quantum algorithms will be evaluated to accelerate Deep Reinforcement Learning methods for multiple agents, and new quantum algorithms will be developed. These will then be integrated with classical deep reinforcement learning methods into a hybrid framework for quantum/classical multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. The algorithm development and integration here is explicitly exploratory and to be located in the area of basic research (TRL-1). In order to evaluate and demonstrate the practicability, but also the limitations of the developed methods, a test in a simple, but realistic scenario with at least two robots is planned in the project (TRL-2 - TRL-3).

Funding Authorities

BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action