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Project | RZzKI

Regional Future Center for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate

Regional Future Center for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate

Application fields

RZzKI is developing a holistic approach to implementing digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises. A key focus is on the design and handling of human-centric AI systems. The regional, multidisciplinary consortium in charge of implementation includes: The Saarland Chamber of Labor's Advisory Center for Socially Compatible Technology Design (AK/BEST), the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Festo Learning Center Saar (FLZ), the Institute for Technology and Labor (ITA), the Rhineland-Palatinate TBS (TBS), the SmartFactory KL (SF) technology initiative, and the Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology (ZeMA).

For SMEs in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the RZzKI offers pilot consulting as an entry point, which can be supplemented by innovative teaching and learning modules based on this on diverse aspects of digitization for different target groups such as management, skilled workers, employee representatives. Further and more in-depth consulting options are also available. The spectrum of topics ranges from the introduction and application of AI in the SME environment to support for concrete testing. In this way, the self-learning and design competence of companies and employees in the area of digital technologies and AI in particular is strengthened.


Partner sind die Beratungsstelle für sozialverträgliche Technologiegestaltung der Arbeitskammer des Saarlandes (AK/BEST), das Festo Lernzentrum Saar (FLZ), das Institut für Technologie und Arbeit (ITA), die TBS Rheinland-Pfalz (TBS), die Technologie-Initiative SmartFactory KL (SF) und das Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik (ZeMA).

Funding Authorities

BMAS - Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

BMAS - Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs