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Dr. Anselm Blocher

Organizational unit Cognitive Assistants
Contact +49 681 85775 5262 (Saarbrücken)
Address (Saarbrücken) Gebäude D3 2Stuhlsatzenhausweg 366123 Saarbrücken


All publications
  1. Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index [eng.]

    Tilman Becker; Anselm Blocher; Isabel Bücker; Marvin Drewel; Andreas Faath; Tobias Harland; Mario Hermann; Gerd Herzog; Christian Hocken; Philipp Jussen; Ulrike Krebs; Maximilian Lukas; Benedikt Moser; Katrin Pitz; Daniel Porta; Jan Reschke; Sebastian Schmitz; Moritz Schröter; Moritz Weber; Lucas Wenger; Alexander Werbig; Johannes Winter; Violett Zeller; Günther Schuh; Reiner Anderl; Jürgen Gausemeier; Michael ten Hompel; Wolfgang Wahlster

    Managing the Digital Transformation of Companies, ISBN 978-3-8316-7314-8, Herbert Utz Verlag, München, 6/2017.
  2. Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index [dt.]

    Tilman Becker; Anselm Blocher; Isabel Bücker; Marvin Drewel; Andreas Faath; Tobias Harland; Mario Hermann; Gerd Herzog; Christian Hocken; Philipp Jussen; Ulrike Krebs; Maximilian Lukas; Benedikt Moser; Katrin Pitz; Daniel Porta; Jan Reschke; Sebastian Schmitz; Moritz Schröter; Moritz Weber; Lucas Wenger; Alexander Werbig; Johannes Winter; Violett Zeller; Günther Schuh; Reiner Anderl; Jürgen Gausemeier; Michael ten Hompel; Wolfgang Wahlster

    Die digitale Transformation von Unternehmen gestalten, ISBN 978-3-8316-4611-1, Herbert Utz Verlag, 2017.



    Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    Future centers (KI); support of small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the exemplary and participatory testing of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, for operational…

  • RZzKI

    Regional Future Center for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate

    RZzKI is developing a holistic approach to implementing digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises. A key focus is on the design and handling of human-centric AI systems. The…

  • Hybr-iT

    Hybrid and Intelligent Human-Robot Collaboration - Hybrid Teams in Versatile, Cyber-Physical Production Environments

    Aim of this project is the establishment and industrial testing of hybrid teams. These consist of humans, robots, software-based assistance systems as well as intelligent, virtual environments and…

  • Power4Production

    Zentrum für innovative Produktionstechnologien

    Aus technischen Gründen steht die Homepage des Zentrums für innovative Produktionstechnologien „Power4Production“ kurzfristig nicht zur Verfügung.


    Im Mittelpunkt des Zentrums „Power4Production“…

  • SmartF-IT

    Cyber-physical IT systems to master complexness of a new generation of multi-adaptive factories

    SmartF-IT research project: Software tools for multi-adaptive cyber-physical production systems

    For the factory of the future technologies are developed with Industrie 4.0 that make the production of…

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