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Project | SmartF-IT

Cyber-physical IT systems to master complexness of a new generation of multi-adaptive factories

Cyber-physical IT systems to master complexness of a new generation of multi-adaptive factories

SmartF-IT research project: Software tools for multi-adaptive cyber-physical production systems

For the factory of the future technologies are developed with Industrie 4.0 that make the production of small quantities in real time with maximum quality, yet low cost manageable. Manufacturers thus can handle profitably fluctuating markets and global trends, offer a high number of variants or small series and meet individual customer requirements. The SmartF-IT project meets this challenge with the use of adaptive cyber-physical IT systems at all levels of production to achieve the introduction, implementation and operation of integrated production systems. SmartF-IT places special emphasis on each unit of production and focuses on the use of IT procedures to implement agility and multiple adaptivity as essential components of the smart factory. With SmartF-IT multiple adaptivity is used at a higher level of the entire production system and includes planning, managing and operating the interplay of processes, products, equipment and employees.


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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research