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Project | tech4comp

Personalized competence development through scalable mentoring processes

Personalized competence development through scalable mentoring processes

Application fields

How should concepts for the design of study and teaching look like, to make the quality of individual mentoring scalable for the acquisition of competencies? Under this key question the project consortium is researching pioneering concepts for technology-supported, personalized learning environments and mentoring for students at universities in Germany. In addition to questions from the educational sciences, the focus is on the development of AI-based educational technologies as well as their effectiveness in study and teaching. The BMBF is funding the project with 7.4 million euros.

The interdisciplinary orientation of the research project enables a versatile approach to student learning: different study disciplines are opened up as well as a broad access to methods and research approaches of heterogeneous disciplines. The EdTec Lab of the DFKI brings its experience in the support of training, qualification and education processes through innovative software technologies and applications of the artificial intelligence. As test fields serve the mathematics at the HTWK Leipzig, the computer science at the TU Chemnitz, as well as the education sciences at the University of Leipzig and the TU Dresden.


  • Universität Leipzig
  • TU Dresden
  • MLU Halle-Wittenberg
  • TU Chemnitz
  • HTWK Leipzig
  • FU Berlin
  • RWTH Aachen


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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research