The concept being developed relates to researching the intersection of AI, Eye Tracking, and Literacy Development/ Reading Skill Development. AI systems offer potential benefits for supporting…
The aim of the project is to automate mentoring processes through knowledge services using hybrid AI methods. For this purpose, the didactic knowledge of mentoring processes in rule based systems and…
The aim of the project is to research an AI model (Smart Dialogue Engine, SDE) that better adapts the dialogue behavior (course, choice of words, prosody) of telephone-based language assistants to the…
Development of psychomotor skills (e.g. in medicine, sports) requires practical exercise, direct feedback and reflection. In order to achieve the desired learning success, individual support is…
Die Verbindung von Sachgütern und Dienstleistungen zu hybriden Leistungsbündeln führt zu neu gebündelten Formen der Wertschöpfung: Das Produkt wird zum materiellen Träger einer Vielzahl von…