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Project | VisIMon

Networked, Intelligent and Interactive System for Continuous, Perioperative  Monitoring and Control of an Irrigation Device, as well as for Functional Monitoring of the Lower Urinary Tactonitoring

Networked, Intelligent and Interactive System for Continuous, Perioperative Monitoring and Control of an Irrigation Device, as well as for Functional Monitoring of the Lower Urinary Tactonitoring

Research Topics

Application fields

Continuous bladder irrigation is the standard after operations on the bladder, prostate, or kidneys to prevent complications caused by blood clots. The irrigation should be monitored constantly, but this is not possible in everyday clinical practice. Therefore, the motivation of VisIMon is to enable automated monitoring. It leads to improved patient care while at the same time relieving the strain on staff.

The aim of the project VisIMon is the development of a small module worn on the body which monitors the irrigation process with the aid of various sensors. The system should seamlessly integrate with the established standard process. Through the cooperation of interdisciplinary partners from industry and research, the necessary sensors are to be developed and combined into an effective monitoring system. Modern communication technology enables the development of completely new concepts how medical devices interact with a hospital. At more than 200,000 applications per year in Germany, the development is extremely attractive not only from a medical but also from an economic point of view.


  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V.
  • Lohmann & Birkner Health Care Consulting GmbH
  • Digital Biomedical Imaging Systems AG


Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research