The project aims to create a personal virtual assistant that provides psychological and social support to migrants and public services. The intelligent service will act as a multilingual agent in the areas of registration, orientation, language teaching, civic education, social and community integration. The personalisation is achieved by changing the agents' behaviour to the given situation and the profile of the interlocutor. Immersive virtual and augmented reality technologies are used to make the experience as realistic and the integration as easy as possible. To facilitate the tasks of the administrative bodies, decision support technologies will be developed, which will be based on visual analysis and semantic argumentation techniques. WELCOME is developing innovations in the areas of human-multi-service-oriented agent interaction, multilingual language technologies, knowledge processing, immersive personalised educational and social inclusion technologies and decision support strategies. To test validation and transferability, three pilot applications will be developed for Greece, Spain and Germany.
ASR will contribute to the coordination of semantic web services, focusing on context-aware semantic search, selection and composition planning for dynamic, resource-efficient delivery of relevant services by personal service agents.
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis, Univerzita Karlova, Vysoke Uceni Technike V Brne, Sheffield Hallam University, EVERIS Spain SL, Nurogames GMBH, Metodo Estudios Consultores SL, Mind Refuge g.UG., Kentro Meleton Asfaleias, Secretariat for Equality, Migrations and Citizenship (Spain), Caritasverband Hamm e.V., Praksis, iSocial Foundation