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Project | Study_Finder_2020


Developing an online self-assessment for choosing a field of study

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This project for Saarland University involved developing an online self-assessment which helped students to choose a suitable field of study. The decision-making process is supported in two ways: first, an interests test is used to create an individual profile of interests which then generates recommendations for suitable courses of study. Next, course-specific expectation checks are used to identify and help correct false expectations of the requirements, content and professional opportunities of a field of study, ensuring that students begin their studies with a realistic understanding.

The Educational Technology Lab designed and implemented the online self-assessment. The methodological foundations were provided by the Chair of Differential Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics under Prof. Dr. Frank Spinath. Working closely with the chair staff, the online self-assessment application underwent agile development, was tested and was then transferred to live operations at Saarland University. The EdTec Lab has also been supporting live operation and providing ongoing support with application optimisation and updating based on methodological developments or on requirements from practical implementation.