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Displaying results 1 to 4 of 4.
  1. EASY – Energy-efficient analytics and control processes in the dynamic edge-cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing

    EASY – Energy-efficient analytics and control processes in the dynamic edge-cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing

    The EASY project aims at the energy-efficient analysis and execution of manufacturing and control processes in the context of dynamic industrial …

  2. TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    Das übergeordnete Projektziel ist die partizipative Entwicklung eines Digitalen Drillings unter Einbindung aller relevanter betrieblicher Akteure, …

  3. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …

  4. PROTEUS – Predictive Analytics and Real-Time Interactive Visualization for Industry

    PROTEUS – Predictive Analytics and Real-Time Interactive Visualization for Industry

    PROTEUS mission is to investigate and develop ready-to-use scalable online machine learning algorithms and real-time interactive visual analytics to …