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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 92.
  1. SPELL – Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und Lagezentren

    SPELL – Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und Lagezentren

    Artificial intelligence in the interconnected control center of the future The SPELL project represents the idea of a semantic platform for …

  2. SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    SeMoSys – Virtual integration of hull segments and installation of systems

    Das Verbundprojekt SeMoSys - Sektionsmontage und Systeme hat die Zielsetzung, die Fertigung von Strukturen und die Installation von Systemen in der …

  3. PAIRS – Privacy-Aware, intelligent and Resilient Crisis Management

    PAIRS – Privacy-Aware, intelligent and Resilient Crisis Management

    In an increasingly interconnected and dynamic world, crises are inevitable, hard to predict, and pose immense challenges that demand robust, effective …

  4. 3S Project – Steroid Sample Swapping

    3S Project – Steroid Sample Swapping

    Anti-doping analysis is a crucial measure to fight against cheating and doping activities in sports. The Athlete Biological Passport is widely …

  5. Saimidris – Sailing Intelligent Micro Drifter Swarms

    Saimidris – Sailing Intelligent Micro Drifter Swarms

    Partners Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

  6. NorthSat-X – The North Sea from space: Using explainable artificial intelligence to improve satellite observations of climate change
  7. ZuKIPro – Zukunftszentrum für menschzentrierte Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Produktionsarbeit

    ZuKIPro – Zukunftszentrum für menschzentrierte Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Produktionsarbeit

    Der rasante digitale Wandel fordert den Mittelstand und seine Beschäftigten. Damit kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) auch künftig an-schlussfähig …

  8. RE-SAMPLE – REal-time data monitoring for Shared, Adaptive, Multi-domain and Personalised prediction and decision making for Long-term Pulmonary care Ecosystems

    RE-SAMPLE – REal-time data monitoring for Shared, Adaptive, Multi-domain and Personalised prediction and decision making for Long-term Pulmonary care Ecosystems

    Multi-morbid complex chronic conditions (CCCs) are highly prevalent in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and timely and …

  9. resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    The application of AI methods appears to be useful in agriculture because the environment is highly dynamic, not fully known and not fully …

  10. Agri-Gaia – ein agrarwirtschaftliches KI-Ökosystem

    Agri-Gaia – ein agrarwirtschaftliches KI-Ökosystem

    The Agri-Gaia project is creating an AI ecosystem for the agricultural and food industry based on Gaia-X. For this purpose, an innovative B2B platform …