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Displaying results 1 to 4 of 4.
  1. FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe_RIC – Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe aims to develop resource-limited AI for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and edge devices. The development approach should extend …

  2. MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    MODKOM – Modular components as Building Blocks for application-specific configurable space robots

    For service operations on satellites or the exploration of foreign planets, robotic systems will be of particular interest in the future, as they are …

  3. resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    resKIL – Resource-efficient AI for Embedded Systems in Agricultural Machines

    The application of AI methods appears to be useful in agriculture because the environment is highly dynamic, not fully known and not fully …

  4. QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    The goal of QINROS, based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Quantum Computing agenda of the Robotics Working Group and DFKI RIC, is to …