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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 13.
  1. Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    LUMINOUS aims at the creation of the next generation of Language Augmented XR systems, where natural language-based communication and Multimodal Large …

  2. news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    In the news-polygraph project, we are developing digital methods for the media industry, with the help of which multimedia content can be checked more …

  3. No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of specific and narrow tasks such as some aspects of image recognition or decision …

  4. Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    According to the World Bank and the UN, some US$1tn is paid in bribes every year. Corrupt financial transactions divert funds from legitimate public …

  5. KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    The goal of the research project KAINE (Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content) is to better take into …

  6. myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables further automation of processes across existing systems. As RPA can act like humans and thus is able to read, …

  7. HumanE-AI-Net – HumanE AI Network

    HumanE-AI-Net – HumanE AI Network

    The HumanE AI Network brings together European centers of excellence, universities, and key industry champions in a network of centers of excellence …

  8. SensAI – Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories

    SensAI – Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories

    Potentials Knowledge Graphs (KGs) get an increased interest in research and industry to represent data, information and knowledge from various sources …

  9. Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Partners Universität Hannover (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover) Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Fakultät III: Sonderpädagogik …

  10. KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    Im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind Black-Box-Modelle gegenüber konventionellen Verfahren zwar überlegen, liefern allerdings keine …