Chronicles of Jockeying in Queuing Systems
Anthony Kiggundu; Bin Han; Dennis Krummacker; Hans Dieter Schotten
In: ArXiv e-prints (arxiv), Vol. xxxx, Pages 1-35, ArXiv, 2/2024.
The relevance of studies in queuing theory in social systems has inspired its adoption in other mainstream technologies with its application in distributed and communication systems becoming an intense research domain. Considerable work has been done regarding the application of the impatient queuing phenomenon in distributed computing to achieve optimal resource sharing and allocation for performance improvement. Generally, there are two types of common impatient queuing behaviour that have been well studied, namely balking and reneging. In this survey, we are interested in the third type of impatience: jockeying, a phenomenon that draws origins from impatient customers switching from one queue to another.
This survey chronicles classical and latest efforts that seek to model jockeying behavior in queuing systems with a focus on those findings related to information and communication systems, especially in the context of Multi-Access Edge Computing. We comparatively summarize the reviewed literature regarding their methodologies, invoked models and use cases.
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