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Towards Smart Resource Distribution in V2X Dynamic Networks: A Modular RIS Approach

Yorman Munoz; Wenqing Dai; Sachinkumar B. Mallikarjun; Michael Zentarra; Christoph Lipps; Hans Dieter Schotten
In: 28. ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation (MKT-2024), May 15-16, Osnabrück, Germany, ITG, 5/2024.


As research into the Sixth Generation (6G) of wireless networks continues, several technologies have emerged to improve communications systems with better signal transmission, higher bandwidth, lower latency, and increased security. One of these key enablers are Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs), an array of reflective antennas that can be individually tuned to change the transmission pattern of reflected signals. Considering this technology’s potential, a relevant aspect to investigate is the modular configuration of such systems, due to its adaptability to different use case requirements. On the other hand, the conceivable applications of RIS setups include several scenarios, including Vehicle to Everything (V2X) applications. Moreover, advances in network usage prediction with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to reallocate resources in such configurations according to user demand. Therefore, the use of RIS can aid these systems acting as antenna cells, and by having a modular design, the RIS can be scaled according to the network needs. This proposal includes a detachable RIS sub-block module approach, which can also aid in reducing the power consumption of the platform by turning off those blocks when not required. Lastly, the experiments conducted with SimRIS, an open-source MATLAB-based RIS simulator, show the positive correlation between the number of RIS cell units and the achievable rate (bits/s/Hz) obtained. These results demonstrate the influence of modular RIS systems in improving communications in various applications, including vehicular networks.
