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Project | B5GCyberTestV2X

Beyond 5G Virtuelle Umgebung für Cybersicherheitstests von V2X-Systeme

Beyond 5G Virtuelle Umgebung für Cybersicherheitstests von V2X-Systeme

The overall goal of the project is to enable safe and efficient autonomous driving by developing a virtual environment for cybersecurity testing of V2X systems in 5G and Beyond 5G scenarios (B5GCyberTestV2X). This goal can be achieved by significantly improving current open-source solutions for 5G-based V2X such as VEINS and Simu5G and developing new functionalities for 6G-based V2X. DFKI is responsible for the use case Highly Automated Driving (HAD). A state-of-the-art simulation solution is being set up and supplemented with trustworthy AI components. We expect to be able to contribute to the detection of cyber security attacks within the HAF functions. On the other hand, we will provide insights into which HAF algorithms are more or less susceptible to attacks on the communication channel in terms of perception, prediction, and behavior. One of the promising and highly-discussed 6G-enabling technologies is Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs). In this project, we will perform security-relevant simulations to test defined KPIs and evaluate the applicability of RIS technology for V2X scenarios.


  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt


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Bundesministerium des Inneren und für Heimat - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
