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Efficient 6-DOF SLAM with Treemap as a Generic Backend

Udo Frese
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Rome. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-07), April 10-14, Rome, Italy, 2007.


Treemap is a generic SLAM algorithm that has been successfully used to estimate extremely large 2D maps closing a loop over a million landmarks in 442ms. We are currently working on an open-source implementation that can handle most variants of SLAM. In this paper we discuss the generic part of the algorithm constituting the treemap backend and the variant specific parts acting as a driver. We present their interplay from a software-engineering point of view and show results for the case of 6-DOF feature based SLAM, closing a simulated loop over 106657 3D features in 209ms.

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