Towards Ontology-based Information Extraction and Annotation of Paper Documents for Personalized Knowledge Acquisition
Benjamin Adrian; Heiko Maus; Malte Kiesel; Andreas Dengel
In: Knut Hinkelmann; Holger Wache (Hrsg.). WM2009: 5th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management. Conference on Professional Knowledge Management (WM-2009), March 25-27, Solothurn, Switzerland, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vol. P-145, ISBN 978-3-88579-239-0, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 3/2009.
Despite the advent of electronic personal information management (PIM)
tools, knowledge workers are still heavily using paper-based information sources. But
up to now, even in sophisticated tools for PIM such as the Semantic Desktop, the
knowledge workers's paper world is still neglected. Thus, electronic archiving of a
web page for later reference is much easier than taking care of an interesting article
in a magazine whose copy might set dust on the user's shelf and will long be for-
gotten when it would be helpful for a specific task. This paper presents how to use
document analysis, ontology-based information extraction, and annotation techniques
for personal knowledge acquisition in order to bridge the gap between the user's paper
world and his personal knowledge space in the Semantic Desktop. A recent prototype
shows the feasibility of the approach.