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  1. A Comparison of Wireless Channel Predictors: Artificial Intelligence versus Kalman Filter

    In: Proceedings of IEEE ICC. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-2019), May 20-24, Shanghai, China, IEEE, 2019.

  2. Wei Jiang; Simon Duque Anton; Hans Dieter Schotten

    Intelligence Slicing: A Unified Framework to Integrate Artificial Intelligence into 5G Networks

    In: 12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC-2019), September 11-13, Paris, France, IFIP, 2019.

  3. Neural Network Based Wireless Channel Prediction

    In: Fa-Long Luo (Hrsg.). Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications. Chapter 16, Pages 1-30, John Wiley and IEEE Press, 2019.

  4. Neural Network-based Channel Prediction and Its Performance in Multi-Antenna Systems

    In: 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Fall) - Proceedings. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2018), August 27-30, Chicago, USA, IEEE, 8/2018.

  5. A 5G NFV Test Bed for the Evaluation of AI Based Network Management and Security (Concepts)

    In: Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Communications. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC-2018), June 18-21, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6/2018.

  6. Autonomic Network Management

    In: Patrick Marsch; Ömer Bulakci; Olav Queseth; Mauro Boldi (Hrsg.). 5G System Design - Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long-Term Research. Pages 252-259, ISBN 9781119425120, Wiely, 2018.

  7. Machine Learning-Based Framework for Autonomous Network Management in 5G Systems

    In: IEEE. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC-2018), June 18-21, Ljubljana, Slovenia, IEEE, 2018.

  8. Multi-Antenna Fading Channel Prediction Empowered by Artificial Intelligence

    In: 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Fall) - Proceedings. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2018), August 27-30, Chicago, USA, IEEE, 2018.

  9. An SDN/NFV Proof-of-Concept Test-Bed for Machine Learning-based Network Management

    In: Proceedings IEEE ICCC. IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC-2018), December 7-10, Chengdu, China, IEEE, 2018.

  10. Wei Jiang; Mathias Strufe; Hans D. Schotten

    Intelligent Network Management for 5G Systems: The SELFNET Approach

    In: 2017 European Conference on Networks and Communications. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC-2017), June 12-15, Oulu, Finland, IEEEXplore, 2017.